
Medichem Products Inc

Introducing The Best Dog Supplement

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Medichem introduces Doggie Power Whey Protein for pets. An awesome dog supplement in the form of milkshake for your pets to relish. This whey protein powder is filled with vitamins, minerals and amino acids to keep your dog’s health high. Doggie Power is a good muscle builder and an immunity booster.


We at Medichem has brought out unparalleled products to the market that is provided mostly in their natural form. Harmless and renders you 2X benefits without any boosters. Our products are produced with state-of-the-art technology, approved by certified laboratories and supporting rural entrepreneurship


The Most Nutritious Ingredients


Every little Details is important to us.


Yummy and Healthy


Pioneers In Surpassing

Cutting-edge Research For Over 40 Years

We are ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Our Product Range

Sanext Water Sanitizer

Medichem is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Sanext- The water sanitizer. With 40 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical industry, we have devised Sanext to remove the presence of E-Coli in water without hardening it. This product is being well received in North & South India. The product was unique and efficient, therefore the hatcheries have started to cleanse the breeding area of commercial poultry as well. 

Doggie Power

Doggie Power is the ultimate protein food for your dogs. We adopt the best technology available to render you the best quality food for your dogs. The best way to provide the essential nutrients for your dogs at an affordable price is through our product. Our Doggie Power Whey Protein is filled with Bioplex, Mycosorb, and sell-plex. Providing the mineral components such as zinc, manganese, and iron in their natural form. They act as rich amino-acid carriers.

Promed Poultry

Promed poultry is revolutionizing the poultry feed industry. We manufacture the best chicken feed that has Total Quality Management which involves world-class technology. It is of superior quality and the best way to provide nutrition for your poultry. Promed poultry is high whey protein chicken feed. It is an absolute mixture of essential components that renders correct protein balance to your chicken feed.


The AntiRust from Medichem is paving the way to reform the standards and longevity of the TMT bars. It’s becoming a globally recognized brand more than that, either you are a builder or the owner of the property, when your TMT Bars are coated with AntiRustt you needn’t worry about the lifespan of it.


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